In Restless Dreams
註釋A stunning YA fantasy with heart, humour, and otherworldly political intrigue. Fans of Michelle Madow and Elise Kova will devour Wren Handman’s In Restless Dreams, the first installment of The Phantasmer Cycle. hr Sylvia is just a normal girl with huge, normal problems—her mother’s attempted suicide; how to adjust to life on the Upper East Side; trying to make friends in a rich prep school where she doesn’t belong; whether or not to trust the cute boy with the dangerous eyes.
She thinks that’s more than she can handle, but she tests the limits of her endurance when she learns that she is the long awaited Phantasmer, a human who can change the fabric of Fairy simply by believing in a new story. Sylvia’s life is thrown off course as two warring Courts, the Seelie and Unseelie, both attempt to co-opt her gift to fight the other Court, which she has to deal with while trying not to get kicked out of school for fighting.
And it doesn’t help matters that the fairies begging for her help are both attractive young men with their own agendas.