Investigation of Instrumentation and Techniques for Army Weather Observation
註釋I NSTRUMENTAL PREPARATION OF THE AN/CPS-9 during the dry summer season has produced increased autom tion in the data recording system nd a means to monitor a d calibrate the s stem sensitivity to weather targets. This will allow the radar meteorologist to study precipitation phenomena in a quantitative sense. This is a considerable improvement over past capabilities at OSU. The additional electronic and electromechanical devices incorporated during the summer consist of a Step-Gain Control, RHI camera and bezel a sembly, two TS-147B/UB microwave test sets, one TS-13 microwave test set, and a collimating radome and feedhorn assembly. Major maintenance probl ms arising in the AN/CPS-9 radar system have been corrected and measures taken to facilitate trouble free operation duri g the forthcoming fall storm season. Several weather radar data recording periods provid d PPI photographs for detailed analytical comparison with precipitation data and TIROS photographs. (Author).