The Creation of the World, the Deluge, and Other Naxi Myths
註釋The main part of it is the three great myths of the Naxi minority: The Creation of the World, The War between Dong and Shu, and The History of Kama Yumiji. Each of them is a complete ritual text used in special ceremonies by the Dongba priests, so the original translations of these texts are difficult for the uninitiated to understand. They are also full of literary resources useful to the oral tradition, which I have simplified here as much as possible, and of references to the history, life, and culture of the Naxi, which I have clarified by means of a few footnotes, insofar as my humble possibilities have allowed me. The three myths are very important to understanding the culture of the Naxi. Another of the basic myths of this people is Congren Bandi seeks immortality, because it justifies the use of numerous plants and animals for medicinal purposes.
Besides these four myths, there are other short stories that I have translated at different times, and that without providing any special insight into the Naxi culture, I think can entertain everyone and enlighten some readers on certain aspects of their culture.