Raeto-Romance Bibliography; De Passione Judas, an Anglo-Norman Poem; and Seth, an Anglo-Norman Poem
出版University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Studies, 1941
註釋Part one of this volume is a general, but selected, guide of annotated works on Raeto-Romance with special consideration of Romansh. Part two is De Passione Judas: An Anglo-Norman Poem, Nancy V. Iseley, editor. As part two of this edition, this poem is prefaced by an introduction describing it and relating its probable date of origin. Also an evaluation of style and chief sources are presented. Part three is Seth: An Anglo-Norman Poem, by H. H. Hilton, Jr., editor. The annotated poem is preceded by an introduction containing an explanation of the Holy-rood tree legend and a description of the language and style used in the poem.