Druids, Celts, and Romans
註釋Author James Francis Smith Smith's 350-page narrative-history illustrates the Celts deference of women as leaders and warriors to that exhibited by Rome. Set in Europe, Druids, Celts, and Romans pit the Celtic civilizations, family life, and beliefs against that of the Romans. Celtic awareness of Rome's existence begins with the murder of a Druid in the exotic forest of Helvetia (ancient Switzerland). This act compelled Ragenos, champion of the Mayri tribe, to leave his oppidum (hill fort), and become a mercenary guarding the Druid's gold, during which he befriends Danous the Bard of the Parisii. Meanwhile triplets, Una, a female, and two males, Mick and Hugh, born to Conel and Meva, are fated by the Goddess Sulis to save the Celtic race. That very night, a female is born to the Julian family of Rome. Time passes before the haughty Julia is betrayed, sold into slavery, and purchased by Conel's Mayri tribe. As their servant, she teaches the Mayri triplets about Rome in exchange for her freedom. While crossing the Alps to return Julia to her family, Una is injured in an avalanche, left behind, betrayed, and sold to Etruscans. The male triplets and Danous the Bard take off to free Una. Once back in Rome, Julia enslaves Conel. Turkos, the Mayri trader, returns with this news. Knowledge of her husband's capture incites forces Meva to recruit a Celtic army, which crosses the Alps to rescue Conel, who escapes on his own. Ragenos and the triplets, lead the Celts in defeating the Romans at Allia, invade their city and earn forever-their eternal hatred. The Romans criticized the Celtic weights. Adding his sword to the Celtic weights, Ragenos said, "Vae victis"(Woe to the conquered.) The Romans provided additional gold to complete the ransom and the Celts headed for home. But not before Una marries a Celtic Warrior. Danous offers her a poem for his gift before taking up the lonely life of a wandering poet. Mick leaves to become a mercenary and Hugh a Druid. A tale based on the very first encounter between these ancient peoples. Readers Comments: "He took pearls from history and culture of the past and strung them into a spell-binding story" "It was a history that I'd been totally unaware of, but found fascinating. I also really enjoyed the characters."