(color Version), Apocalypse, Twelfth Imam,Son of Man, Jesus, Christ, Standing, Mahdi, Redeemer, End Time
出版CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017-06
主題Religion / Faith
註釋Apocalypse (End time) and Saviorism, as well as the Annunciation to the Universal Savior are one principle of most divine religions. Awaiting the appearance of the Savior for the establishment of divine justice is the humanity's desire and the last hope to all liberal people. Most divine religions have prophesied and enunciated the coming Savior in their scriptures, and have revealed the signs to the Apocalypse and rise of the Savior. Acknowledging the rise of a great savior who can resolve defects and issues existing in human societies and eliminate injustice and criminality among people is not confined to the Orientals or religions; it is rather a general, universal belief that is manifested differently in beliefs and ideas of various nations. This reflects the deep-rooted and pervasive idea of "Saviorism" in the whole world.Awaiting the appearance of the Savior is the humanity's last hope. This book discusses the rise of the Savior and the Apocalypse in 26 chapters. Moreover, the book has provided a documented analysis of the Savior's identity during the Apocalypse through referring to all the verses on the rise of the Savior in most of the scriptures such as the Bible, the Quran and the Torah, etc. Glad tidings of many Prophets to the appearance of the Savior and their similarities to the Savior, as well as the Savior's characteristics, all have been documented in the book. During the Apocalypse, the Savior would possess all the miracles of the previous Prophets. Knowing the last Savior, helping him and communicating with him all have some prerequisites to fulfill and steps to take. With a rational and logical analysis and though use of verses quoted in the scriptures, it has been proven that the Savior is alive and absent (occultation). Some western philosophers and scientists have publicly stated that the world is awaiting a great redeemer who would rule the world and bring all people together under a single flag and unite them under a single slogan. In this regard, the great scientist Albert Einstein said: "The day is not far away when peace is instilled all over the world and people are like brothers to each other".