註釋This outstanding collection of vivid political graphics from Argentina's Left Wing spans decades of political struggle--from woodcuts to desktop publishing. Flags are raised, workers are lionized, headlines blare from La Favilla, L'Agigatore, L'Amico del Popolo, La Questione Sociale, L'Allarme, Umanita Nova, Mundo Nuevo, El Burro, and Einstein, and a lion roars from the logo of La Protesta. The yellowed sheet music for a "Himno al 10 de Mayo" is preserved, as are a flier for Sacco and Vanzetti, a pileup of anarchy logos, many moving examples of homespun graffiti, and a collection of political cartoons, including one in which Labor pushes the pedals while Capital rides on the handlebars--with a champagne bucket. This chunky and cheeky volume is a must-have for anyone interested in graphic design, as well as left-wing politics. Este libro es un homenaje a la izquierda. Cada gráfica aquí rescatada participa de la continuidad de una lucha. Son pequeños gestos, aparentemente aislados, que confluyen en un discurso visual contundente. Ponen el dedo en nuestro ojo y nos sacan de nuestra paz burguesa.