Staging the Liturgy
註釋TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTIONFORMINTRODUCTION Status quaestionis The morphology of the medieval retable in western Europe The retable: definition and origins The panel retable The winged retable THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDIEVALRETABLE IN THE IBERIAN PENINSULA The ancestry of the Iberian retable (600-1200)The decoration of the mensa and stipes Ciboria and baldachins Reliquaries combined with altars Objects above and on the mensa Wall and vault paintings SummaryRomanesque altar retables (1000-1250) The oldest known retables SummaryThe retable under French influence (1250-1400) Painted retables Carved retables SummaryThe painted retable under Italian influence (1330-1400) Contacts with Tuscany Catalonia Other parts of Spain SummarySculptured retables in Catalonia (1325-1430) Stone retables in ltalo-Gothic style The Lleida SchoolInternational Gothic SummaryInternational Gothic in retable painting (1380-1450) Catalonia Valencia, Mallorca, Aragon and Navarre Castile SummaryThe import of retables from northern Europe (1390-1520) English alabasters Triptychs from the Southern Netherlands Foreign sculpture, Spanish structure SummaryPainted retables in the Spanish-Flemish style (1430-1510) Catalonia, Valencia and Aragon Castile and Navarre Portugal Summary Sculptured wall retables in the Late Gothic style (1470-1530) Cathedrals Other churches Summary The transition to the Renaissance retable (1490-1530) Painted retables Sculptured retables Summary Relationships to other traditions and genres (1470-1540) Relationships to other traditionsRelationships to other genres SUMMARY THE MEDIEVAL CHOIR IN THE IBERIAN PENINSULA:FORM AND LOCATION General characteristics The form of the choir Choir stalls Choir partitions The location of the choir The Romanesque coro in Santiago de Compostela The church of St James and its choir Reasons for the nave location Possible antecedents Gothic nave choirs Monastic churches From mosques to cathedrals Other cathedrals Collegiate and parish churches Exceptions that prove the rule The exceptions Burgos and León The coro alto Monastic churches Secular churches Possible antecedents Summary BETWEEN THE TWO CHOIRS: THE CROSSING AS ACROSSROADS OF ACTIVITY Between the two choirs The crossing as a place for preachingThe high altar visible for both clergy and laity CONSEQUENCES FOR THE RETABLE II. ENVIRONMENT III. MESSAGE INTRODUCTION Word and image in the medieval church interiorThe main features of medieval retable iconography in western Europe INTRODUCTION Status quaestionis The choir in the medieval church interior of western Europe The Office The location of the choir in the church interior Consequences for the use of the church ICONOGRAPHY OF THE MEDIEVAL RETABLE IN THEIBERIAN PENINSULAGeneral tendencies The Eucharistic message The hagiographical message The narrative messageTHE RETABLE IN ITS RELIGIOUS AND HISTORICCONTEXT Backcloth to the Mass From communal celebration to clerical spectacle Enrichment of the ritual and its decor Changing attitudes to the Sacrament Background to the sermon The development of the sermon References to retables in sermons Other uses of imagery by preachersDevotional image The individualisation of devotion Illustrated devotional literature The devotional book and the retable Prestige object The secularisation of the retable Private founding of high altar retables Retable rivalry Mirror of the Reconquest The Reconquest as a holy war From coexistence to Inquisition The Reconquest and the retable Expression of reform The 'Reform of the Catholic Monarchs' Correspondences with the retable Cardinal Cisneros, reformer and Maecenas SUMMARY GENERAL CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX OF PLACES AND PERSONSPLATES.