William J. Richardson, S.J.
註釋William J. Richardson, S.J., was born in Brooklyn, New York on the 2nd of November, 1920. He died at the Jesuit Campion Health Center, in Weston, Massachusetts, on the 10th of December, 2016. Leo O'Donovan, S.J., Richard Kearney, and Jeffrey Bloechl, each in different ways gathered the diffusions of mourning friends, students, colleagues, patients, and admirers of the late William J. Richardson, via email over the days leading up to and after his funeral. Inasmuch as 'Bill' Richardson was one of the founding members of the Heidegger Circle (Penn State, 1967), beginning with the first major US conference on Heidegger's thought held in 1964. Julia Ireland, convenor of the 51st meeting of the Heidegger Circle, 2017, asked the current editor to gather these recollections for the sake of the members of the Heidegger Circle and of course for all others interested in Heidegger, and of course, Lacan, and spirituality.