Reminiscences of Sidney Ratner
註釋Family; education: Townsend Harris, City College of New York, Columbia University; speechwriter for Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy, 1945-1946; Board of Economic Warfare, 1942-1943: North African economic resources project, Indian drought plan, study of Nazi Germany's economic penetration, 1944-1945; ballbearing cartel and impact on 1944 Normandy invasion, relief supply proposals for Western Europe, study of German and Japanese economic penetration; Planning Division, Office of Foreign Liquidation, 1946; Conference on methods and philosophy in the sciences; research for PATTERNS OF WAR ECONOMY: European visit, 1958, consultations with economists, Japan, 1962; American Committee to Study War Documents, 1956-1957; lecturer in Japan, 1964: thoughts on Japanese eceonomy and culture; visit to India, 1964; lecturer, Nigeria, 1966: views of Nigerian society and politics; Vietnamese Conflict; publications, teaching methods, philosophy of history; impressions of Charles Beard, John Dewey, Louise Rosenblatt.