To Leave a Light Impression
註釋This exhibition included photographs from the ‘Fullmoon’ and ‘Present Form’ series as well as a group of small-scale bronze sculptures.0The ‘Fullmoon’ series of photographs, which have taken Almond to every continent over a period of 13 years, are taken under the light of a full moon using long exposure, enabling details undetectable to the human eye to be revealed. For works in this show he has traveled to Patagonia, Tasmania, Cape Verde and the Outer Hebrides. While depicting disparate lands, the works all embody Almond's interest in time, both as an actual, lived experience as well as a cultural and historical construct. They acknowledge his deep connection to particular landscapes, and map the artist’s personal interest in its geology, myth and history.00Exhibition: White Cube, London, UK (22.1.-13.4.2014).