Proceeding Jakarta Geopolitical Forum V / 2021

Jakarta Geopolitical Forum V/ 2021 (JGF V/2021) organized by Lemhannas RI (National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia) on 21-22 October 2021. The forum is held annually and aimed to explore the implementation of critical thinking and the development of new ideas and strategic thinking which are the annual routine agenda of the Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI based on its main tasks and functions.

Today's global civilization is evolving to determine its identity, and is rapidly reaching a tipping point that will decide whether it will lead to a new or divided civilization. The vulnerability of mankind is a significant threat to the development of civilization in the future. An increasingly interconnected global civilization will emerge as a result of the interwoven culture of nations around the world, and vice versa. The question that needs attention is whether Indonesia is able to adapt to the changes in existing civilizations or we can prevent various unexpected civilization possibilities in the future as well as the capabilily of Indonesia to bridge the gap between civilizations. Based on that, the theme of JGF V/ 2021 is "Culture and Civilization: Humanity at the Crossroads".

The objectives to be achieved in organizing JGF V/2021 are to understand the form of future civilization, especially the socio-culture structure of the world's humans, to find out how far the culture and civilization of a nation is maintained in the midst of changes that occur, the mindset to adapt to the new civilization environment, and knowing the extent of the correlation between the influence and change of civilization conveyed by world geopolitical experts from various countries.