An Appalachian Gamekeeper's Soliloquy of Humorous Tales
Selected Game Warden Stories of People and Places of Upper East Tennessee, Vol. 2
出版Polecat Press, 2023-02-16
主題Humor / GeneralScience / General
註釋SOLILOQUOY provides an opportunity for yo, the reader, to spend some time with the people and places of Upper East Tennessee, Tennessee's first frontier, The State of Franklin. Come share my experiences. Although I have had to draw my gun and I have had to arrest folks and take them to jail, that was not the norm. This book is a happy memoir. This humorous collection of 22 short stories will give the reader first hand knowledge as to what it is really like to spend some time with an Appalachian Gamekeeper. Travel with me to a world in which you have never been, nor would you go without me as your guide. Meet my bigger than life characters: the Conrad family, a family that still hunts, fishes and gathers wild foods, living by their wits under the shadow of Unaka Mountain. Octogenarians, Asa and his girlfriend, that live in the Sciotio community (pronunced Sci-o-thee) that believe in alien abduction, black painters, haints and other superstitions. Can a hunter bark like a Leopard Hound and tree a bear?What happened on the Appalachian Trail between the game warden and an illegal deer hunter that caused the hunter to have to pray with his preacher ex post facto?Animal trafficker Remus Stout and his polecats had their day in court.Can giant lizards ride a train from Central America to attack a hunter and his dogs in an ambush along the tracks of the Clinchfield Railroad?Can a deer hunter being allergic to time get him acquitted in court? Was the petition to remove game warden Pete Wyatt from Unicoi County successful?These answers and many more will be revealed between the covers of SOLILOQUOY.