How Limb Dominance Influences Limb Symmetry in ACL Patients: Effects on Functional Performance
註釋Abstract: Background
Timing for return to sport (RTS) after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is paramount for the avoidance of a secondary injury. A common criterion in RTS decision-making is the limb symmetry index (LSI) which quantifies (a)symmetries between the affected and unaffected limb. Limb dominance is one of many factors that may contribute to the recovery of the LSI after ACL reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to examine how limb dominance affects the LSI of functional performance tasks nine months following ACL reconstruction (time of RTS).

At time of return to sport, n = 100 patients (n = 48 injured the dominant limb, n = 52 injured the non-dominant limb, n = 34 female, n = 66 male) with ACL reconstruction surgery performed isokinetic strength measurements of the knee extensors and flexors, and drop jumps (DJ), single leg hop for distance (SHD) and 6 m timed hop (6MTH) testings.

The findings indicated that injury of the dominant leg led to significantly higher LSI values in maximal isokinetic knee extensor strength (p = 0.030). No significant differences were observed for maximal isokinetic knee flexor strength, DJ, SHD or 6MTH performance. Stratifying for sex revealed no significant differences. Simple regression analyses demonstrated that LSI in maximal knee extensor strength significantly predicted LSIs in DJ and SHD while explaining 14% and 18% of the respective variance.

Given that limb dominance affects the LSI of muscle strength suggests that a differentiated interpretation of the LSI with respect to limb dominance should be considered for a safe return to sport. Monoarticular knee extensor strength and multiarticular hop test performance are interrelated and thus can show asymmetries which are not maladaptive but established during years of habituation or training