One Dimensional Approach to Modeling Damage Evolution in Galvanic Corrosion
註釋A one-dimensional mathematical model is developed to describe damage evolution in galvanic corrosion for a variety of geometries. An asymptotic procedure taking advantage of disparity in length scales is used to derive the model. The focus of this thesis is to detail the formulation and solution of the 1D model for basic cartesian and cylindrical configurations. The cartesian model defines a rectangular domain, while the cylindrical model defines a system of concentric disks. For each model a thin film approximation for the thickness of the electrolyte and a well-mixed assumption describing uniform concentration of species in the electrolyte is used. Further, the Wagner relationship restricts the size of the electrolyte thickness as compared to the solution conductivity and polarization slope. Numerical solutions, using Matlab, are obtained for the potential, current density, and corrosion damage through time. The initial time solutions are compared to solutions obtained through the software package, GalvanicMaster, and excellent agreement is found. The damage evolution results are verified using experimental data and corrosion simulations that are cited in the literature. A comparative analysis is performed considering the effect of changing area ratio, electrolyte thickness, IR drop, and Wagner relationship for each system. Fully derived 1D governing equations for additional geometries are also proposed.