Sanford's New Opera House Race Street, Between Second and Third
Thursday Eve'ng, Nov. 17th, 1864. Fourth Night. Success Unprecedented!! The Opening Crowded with the Elite of the City! Hundreds of Ladies Unable to Get Seats!! The Company Has Met the Approval of the Audience. The Verdict Has Been Proclaimed! A Guaranty of Permanence, the Entertainment the Best, and this to be the Temple of Minstrelsy. Look at the Change on the Third Night! Programme. ... The Exempts ... Les Miserables! ... To Conclude with Sanford's Sketch, Entitled Happy Uncle Tom! ... Doors Open at 7 O'clock. Commence Quarter Before 8. Cards of Admission, 25 Cents Orchestra Seats, 50 Cts Private Boxes, Dress Circle, $5 Private Boxes, Family Circle, $4 & $3 Office Will be Open from 9 to 2 O'clock, for the Sale of Secured Seats and Boxes, Without Extra Charge. In Preparation The Shoemaker and Tailor of Kensington in which Miss Julia Sanford Will Appear as Columbine
出版U.S. Steam Print, Ledger Buildings., 1864