The Book of Shadows
註釋This is a manuscript of notes, writings, collated information, spells, incantations and magick collected over lifetimes. The oldest of the notes go back to my great grandfather, there are some from my grandmother, knowledge that my mother taught me as a child and the notes and writings of various gurus I have had over my adult years. This is neither a text book or a properly, punctuated, grammatically correct encyclopaedia. It is not a book designed to teach but more of my own scribblings for reference but I would not describe it as reference book either. My Book of Shadows was actually nine books long, in no particular sequence, except that I knew where I had written things, where to find loose leaf bits of paper that littered the pages and I could understand squiggles and shapes that I had entered both in a hurry and illegibly at times. I had set out many times to sort it out, sometimes copying up bits of paper into the books, adding a new herb, or crystal or animal entry when I came across them. The advent of the computer, modern day word processing software made the task somewhat easier although still a marathon task.