The Quality of Work

Joblessness, under- and over-employment, conflicts between work and family, workplace inequalities, retirement with dignity, jobs for youth-in the 1990s, public opinion surveys have revealed a pervasive anxiety about these issues in Canada. At the same time, Canadians have indicated that they want more from their working lives: not only economic security and a decent standard of living, but opportunities for personal development and the fulfilment that comes with making a contribution. In The Quality of Work Graham Lowe argues that debates about the future of work have focused too narrowly on the quantity of jobs available: as important as job creation is, we also need to think seriously about the quality of work we create. Taking a fact-based look at employment trends and workplace changes-what we can do about them-Lowe suggests that high-quality work offers a common ground for employers with an eye on productivity and individuals seeking greater challenge and meaning in their work.