Innovation Value of Information Technology
Mahesh Kumar Ramamani
Impact of Information Technology - Intensity on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance
Michigan State University. Business Information Systems
, 2010
Though information technology adoptions have been always referred to as innovations in firms, much of the business value literature has concentrated on the tangible and immediately measurable impacts of information technology (it) adoptions. This study aims to explore the impact of information technology investments on the innovativeness of a firm. We assess the impact of information technology as a complement to the commitment shown by firms towards innovation. We explain that the organizational commitments to innovation are of three different types--financial, managerial and temporal. We show how the availability of information technologies may help the firm leverage tangible value from the various types of commitments that it has made to innovation. Most studies in innovation are in the context of either product or process based innovations. In this study, we consider the firm as a platform where both process and product innovations happen concomitantly and consider hence capabilities of a firm that are related both types of innovation together. The results of our analyses confirm and validate the vital role played by information technology investments of a firm on its innovation characteristics and behavior. Not only does the it intensity of a firm complement the various types of commitments that a firm makes towards innovation but also plays a significant role in changing the innovation behavior of the firm. The research has both academic and managerial implications. Academically, it tries to complement both the marketing literature and information systems literature. It attempts to complement the business value of it literature by explaining the innovation value of it investments. At the same time, it also tries to position it Intensity of a firm as a key antecedent to innovation in firms in the new product development literature. The study also clarifies to the manager the conditions that facilitate and lead to effective innovations within the firm both at the process and at the product level. It also provides appropriate guidance on successful innovation strategies for the firm based on the industry it belongs to. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest llc. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/individuals.shtml.].