Diccionario hispanoamericano y peninsular del arte surrealista, ingenuo y maravilloso
註釋Hispano-American and peninsular biographic dictionary of surrealist, naïve and wonderful art. This dictionary compiles the Afro-Caribbean, Spanish and indigenous roots of the movement that since the 1920s spread through Paris, Barcelona, Madrid and other cities, and that with the wars that engulfed Europe since 1936 moved to America, and especially to Latin America. That is why, although it seems like a catalog of remote people and places, its material is a unique reality: that of the traumas of colonialism, emigration and war. (This is also true for artists who developed their careers in Europe, but were born in the South, in the home of business people or professionals based in America.) The thesis of the book is not that this is a derivative surrealism, the minor facet of a tendency endorsed elsewhere, but that surrealism in its canonical version was made of these realities.