Journey to Palenque
Daniel Acuff
In Search of the 10 Mysteries of Reality
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2012-09-11
Body, Mind & Spirit / New Thought
These Mysteries of Reality are based on the spiritually revolutionary content of books like the Course in Miracles and the Disappearance of the Universe.The Journey to Palenque is a 223 page philosophical/spiritual novel about a wealthy forty six year old real estate man named Charlie Westbrook who lives in Malibu, California. After tumultuous college years (booze and drugs), the death of his mother and coming out of a tailspin of self-inflicted misery, Charlie is living the dream with his beautiful wife, Catherine and twins age twelve. Then he loses everything important to him. His wife and kids die in a head-on collision. Charlie sells everything and lost, escapes to San Miguel de Allende Mexico. The tragedy and drug and alcohol habits from his past get him known quickly as a drunken Gringo. One night he's thrown out of a bar and is sitting on the curb in a stupor. A young woman taps him on the shoulder and tells him he must come with her. She takes him to a blind man, her grandfather Xavier, who turns out to be a mystical teacher. (Charlie had been generous to him as a beggar on the street.) After sharing with Charlie the first "Mystery of Reality", he sends Charlie around the globe to eight other countries where he encounters other mystical teachers who teach him the other nine mysteries of reality. These teachers are extraordinarily unique and interesting characters. In addition to Xavier the blind man, there is the beautiful Ingrid in Norway, hundred year old Vilhelm in Amsterdam, 4' 11" Peruvian Alejandro in Peru, Kashmiri, an Indian expert on reincarnation in Mumbai, India, about to be excommunicated Father Giovanni in Rome, a gypsy in the South of France named Kizzy Lala and a waiter in Soweto South Africa.Each chapter reads also like a travelogue, the reader getting to experience each place such as Amsterdam, Machu Picchu Peru, Norway, Rome, Jerusalem and South Africa - the result is akin to Eat, Pray, Love in this way. These are all places the author has been and writes from his experiences there. In the South of France Charlie is joined by Suzanne, a female fellow mysteries seeker and after some initial friction they end up in a love and sexual relationship.In the end, Charlie finds the peace he was looking for and the reader has enjoyed finding out about interesting facts and history of all the places Charlie is sent like Machu Picchu. Most importantly, the reader has been introduced to ten core ideas of a revolutionary way of thinking.