Capute Scales
Pasquale J. Accardo
Arnold J. Capute
Anna Bennett
Elena S Keshishian
Mary L O'Connor Leppert
Paul F. Visintainer
Thomas R Montgomery
Michael E Msall
Brian T Rogers
Robert G Voigt, Ed.
Barbara Y Whitman
The Late Arnold Capute
Cognitive Adaptive Test-Clinical Linguistic Auditory Milestone Scale
Brookes Publishing
, 2005-04-08
Medical / Diagnosis
Medical / Pediatrics
Psychology / Developmental / Child
Psychology / Neuropsychology
Psychology / Assessment, Testing & Measurement
Fast and easy to complete, The Capute Scales requires minimal equipment and can be administered in just 6 to 20 minutes. Because the tests measure functioning across two streams of development, they help clinicians distinguish between global developmental delays and specific areas of concern. Created for clinical settings, The Capute Scales is an effective and efficient assessment tool for general pediatric practice and for specialists such as developmental pediatricians, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists. This standardized instrument will assist clinicians in making developmental diagnoses, counseling families, and guiding them to appropriate intervention services. The complete system includes - Cognitive Adaptive Test (CAT), 57 items focused on visual-motor functioning - Clinical Linguistic & Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS), 43 items focused on expressive and receptive language development - Manual with an explanation of the scales' development, Spanish and Russian score sheet translations, guidelines on administration and scoring, an overview of clinical and research use, and information on standardization of the scales and their use in other languages - 4-page Scoring Sheet - Test Kit, packed in a tote bag, with the standardized materials required to conduct the assessment Kit includes - one laminated card - one notepad - two jumbo crayons - one cloth - one form board - triangle, circle, and square shape for form board - one Plexiglas pane - one pegboard with six pegs - one dowel - one cup - one jar - 10 1-inch blocks - one plastic ring - one bell - tote bag