註釋" ... In order to evaluate the environmental implications of constructing and operating a pipeline in the north, it is important to understand the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems through which it will pass. Broadly, the objective of this project has been to classify the landscape of the northern Yukon into ecologically significant vegetation - terrain units. ... The specific objectives of this research are: (1) To describe the major plant community types and establish a framework of vegetation patterns and relationships. (2) To characterize terrain types according to present plant cover and associated soil properties ... (3) To indicate some of the problem areas on the pipeline route and make recommendations regarding terrain stability based on the vegetation study. (4) To provide information for right-of-way clearing and cost calculations based on shrub and tree cover. This also provides an inventory of construction materials such as piles. Based on scientific knowledge as developed here, an acceptable harvesting program can be worked out. (5) To determine the growth characteristics of plant communities in order to predict the response of these to natural disturbance. (6) To provide zoologists with a vegetation classification for purposes of identifying animal habitats. (Au)"--ASTIS [online] database.