Historias de cosas que no pasan y que no siempre debieran resultar
註釋The sixteenth ARQ DOCS, by the architect, urbanist and writer Keller Easterling, perfectly merges the various goals of this series: heavy ideas that move architecture beyond what we know, backed by serious research and written in a prose attractive to read. The ARQ DOCS has two texts. One is "World City Doubles", an essay in which she invites us to analyze the famous case of Dubai but in terms of its double, Abu Dhabi, to show us the way both cities operate in tandem. The other text, "Histories of things that do not happen and that should not always work", leads us to see these phenomena that slowly occur: they are not events and, therefore, they are not things that happen but that are constantly happening; that is why we do not realize of them and why they are often social defeats; that's why Easterling tells us that they should not always work. So this book takes us through unknown terrain for architecture but which, precisely because Keller Easterling is an architect, they become new territories in which any of us can operate from now on.