
 In December of 1972, the crew of Apollo 17 rose up from the cold and lonely surface of the moon, leaving behind the dream and legacy of mankind’s apparent destiny of breaching the final frontier of manned space exploration. It was an abrupt end to what seemed to be a new period in the evolution of our species. In all the time that has passed, neither America nor any other country has dared to forge a path back to the moon or beyond. Why? Why is it we are perfectly content to remain trapped here to the confines of redundant orbits and experiments around our own planet, when we have the means to journey ever outward and accomplish so much more? It is a question we have all asked at one time or another in our lives, either silently or aloud, and the answer given is never the one that satisfies. Suspicion always lingers.

The Answer? provides an end to that suspicion, giving us insight into a black ops mission to the moon in April of 1973 after NASA astronomer Dr. Harry Sheldon and his daughter, Angelica, witnessed the apparent crash of an alien spacecraft on the moon from their observatory in Colorado. News of this incident explodes through the ranks of the Air Force, NASA and even the CIA as a plan quickly forms to beat the Soviets to the moon in an effort to secure whatever evidence and alien technology might exist in its wake.

What follows next is the gathering of heroes in the form of three reserve Apollo astronauts and a secret launch from a Caribbean USAF facility to the far side of the moon, all orchestrated by CIA Special Agent-in-Charge Mary Ellen Coley. It is there that astronauts Hollanbach and Reese encounter much more than anyone could anticipate…from the discovery of the craft and what appears to be the amassing of an interstellar army set to invade our planet, the sacrifice one man must make on the moon to keep his crewmate and the mission alive, to Agent Coley’s mounting of a daring rescue attempt alongside unsuspecting allies to leave no man behind in this tale of suspense, action, romance, and even more secrets that will finally quell the rumors and suspicions of why no one has ever gone back and provide the world with an answer to the question of the moon once and for all.