Moving Forward

The death of a parent is an incalculable loss because no one will ever love you like that again.
Moving Forward is Rabhya Singh’s personal journey as she grappled with grief and a mishmash of unexplainable emotions. The heart-breaking irony is that the only person she wants to talk to is her dad and he is not around.
“You are a strong girl,” “You are brave,” “He is there in spirit, “You are loved,” “Look after Mamma.”
Her brain was processing these incessantly flowing well-meaning advice while the heart was numb.
Rabhya is blessed with a village of aunties, uncles and friends who formed a solid circle of Ubuntu to provide a safety net. Through this book Rabhya Singh wants to widen her circle of Ubuntu to include everyone grieving silently. This is her invitation to join the circle of pain and loss and experience catharsis. Rabhya shares her experience of different stages of grief and her coping mechanisms in this book. While journaling Rabhya spoke to professional guides, counsellors and therapists. Her aunties, grand aunties and peers offered all kinds of help and she takes the reader through this rollercoaster ride and as you exhale you'll realize…you are not alone.
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Rohit Raj, we asked grief, “How long would you stay?"
"For as many days as you love him," she answered.
"Then we will be sharing a lifetime together," we said.