The Dawn of the Templars
Series: The History of the Eight Crusades - Book 4
出版David S. Matrecano, 2024-06-30
主題Antiques & Collectibles / Books

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis. Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Not us, Lord, not us. If not, to your name may the glory be given.

From the arrival of the founder of the Templars, Hugh de Payens, in Palestine in the spring of 1104, to the election of Geoffrey of Bouillon as King, the election of the Italian Dagobert of Pisa as Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Battle of Ashkelon, through the death of Godfrey, Werner and Baldwin, to the constitution of the "Poor Knights of Christ of the Temple of Solomon"; better known as the Knights Templar in 1118, to end with the Battle of Montgisard, the Battle of the Fountain of Cresson and the hair-raising Battle of the Horns of Hattin, where, Sultan Saladin himself, will be head the evil Raynald of Châtillon, in front of his King, Guy of Lusignan.

Copyright © - Writer David S. Matrecano ™ - June 01, 2024