註釋Wings of Light presents a collection of poetry featured in four sections: Person, Couple, Many (Society), and Laws (of immense nature, Tao). Once this arrangement was completed, author Cognose Solvere discovered that in order for one to live more happily and be successful, one must do so by coupling with many laws of the immense. Most of these verses were composed instantly and spontaneously to answer important questions asked by people from diverse backgrounds. Revealing causes, pointing out direction forward and providing not idealistic, but practical, solutions. This collection seeks to direct the insatiable nature of man to do infinite constructive works, so that we can overcome decadence, corruption, and violence. Wings of Light aims to form a platform, physical and virtual internet, to facilitate, to encourage people around the world to share their works of verses, translation, songs, dances, and live performances. This will help bridging ages and classes, cultures and religions. Providing works for all to enjoy and be enlightened. We then achieve a civilized, progressing society by learning from each other... and the immense nature.