Reference World Atlas

Welcome, all you globetrotters! Take the ultimate round-the-world trip with this spectacular atlas, showcasing more than 640 maps and a wealth of information about every nation on Earth.

Travel across the world from the British Isles to Australasia with Reference World Atlas to learn about our diverse planet. The introduction section provides an insight into how our physical world took shape and life emerged across the planet. Take a look at world climate and population trends, and then follow the continent-by-continent guide to expand your understanding of each region or country. Along with detailed physical and political maps, Reference World Atlas also contains terrain models, cross-sections, and cultural and economic information.

This book features huge 3-D maps and more than 750 photographs that showcase some of the most jaw-dropping locations on our planet.

With more than 80,000 index entries, this revised 10th edition of Reference World Atlas is an essential educational tool for homes and schools.