Here are Several Queries Put Forth in Print for All, Or Any of You Whose Names are Here Under Written, (And Likewise for Them at Cambridge and Oxford, who are There Teaching and Training of Such Up to Practice Such Things as You Your Selves are Now Acting In, Or Any Other of Your Societies that Will Answer the Same) and Return Your Answer in Print, to the View and Satisfaction of Many People; who are Now Que- Stioning Whether Any of All Your Practises Do Proceed from the True Foundation. For Robert Gell. }Doctor of Divinity So Called, who Formerly Preached to the Society of Astrologers; as Witness His Book Called Stella Nova. William Lilly. Or Any Other of the Astrologers to Answer. And Likewise for Francis Prujan. John King. Charles Scarbrough. George Bates. Lawrence Wright. Jonathan Goddard. {Doctors of Physick; And to the Rest of that Society to Answer. And Richard Barker. ... (6 Lines). These Queries are Put in Print by Me, Henry Clark
出版Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his Shop, at, 1657