Fitotehnologije za sonaravno izrabo tal in večjo varnost v prehrani
註釋The research on the project has started in February 2005. In the frame of WG 1(Plant uptake/exclusion and translocation of nutrients and contaminants) we have studied the uptake and translocation of Cd, Zn and Pb in model plant Thlaspi preacox Wulf under field conditions. In the frame of WG 2 (Exploitinggenomics, proteomics and metabolomics approaches in phytotechnologies) the diversity of the fungi at Sečovlje saltpans was studiedusing molecular techniques PCR, TTGE, RFLP, cloning and sequencing. In the frame of WG 3 (Improving nutritional quality and safety of food crops) we have studied the influence of the inoculation with indigenous arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi on the metal uptake in selected vegetable plants in the field in Mežica valley, and in the frame of WG 4 (Integration and application of phytotechnologies) studies of the potential use of Thlaspi praecox in phytoextraction were initiated.