Long accepted as the standard code of Jewish law and practice, the Shulhan Aruch was written by Joseph Karo in 1565. This represents a monumental and unprecedented achievement in the scholarship of rabbinic jurisprudence. Here Rabbi Quint brings fresh insight, modern research methodology, and succinct explication to Hoshen haMishpat, one of the four sections of the Shulhan Aruch.The result is a comprehensive, well-organized body of rabbinic jurisprudence, available to the English reader for the first time.
Rabbi Quint, the cofounder of the Jerusalem Institute of Jewish Law (with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz), an institute dedicated to the study and dissemination of Jewish civil law, brings his professional expertise to bear on the vast array of Jewish legal processes, procedures, and practices encoded here. The reader may be surprised and challenged in the discovery that such a meticulous legal -yet not overly religious- system fits under the category of Jewish law. In his unique position as ordained rabbi, successful lawyer, and distinguished Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Quint illuminates Judaism not only as a religion, but also a culture and community. If the Shulhan Aruch can be said to be the distilled essence of Jewish law, then A Restatement of Rabbinic Civil Law triumphs as a major judicial-literary landmark of its own.