註釋Imagine reading a book written millions of years ago from within great, walled Lemurian monasteries where narrators look back and forward at the same time, chronicling mankind's journey to Earth from the Pleaides and other planets in the pursuit of unfolding into the ultimate attainment, realization of the timeless, formless, spaceless Self within.Lemurian Scrolls is just that book. This ancient manuscript was not found etched on a cave wall or buried in forgotten ruins, but rather discovered through the practice of an inner archeology, the use of the third eye to read the akashic records. Many books exist in the inner akashic, library, and Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami chose to share the chapters that comprise these Scrolls as a further effort to help us all realize where we came from, where we are going, and how to connect with our innate Divinity.