Enzymic Hydrolysis of Proteins and Their Utilization for Formulation of Low Residue Diets
註釋Since papain was more suitable compared to pepsin and trypsin for obtaining desired degree of hydrolysis of whey proteins it is employed for hydrolysis on pilot scale production. During the pilot scale production trials papain brought about higher degree of hydrolysis of both casein and WPC-CP probably due to the additional hydrolysis caused by the native proteolytic . enzymes of milkthat were co-isolated during the preparation of easein and whey proteins. A procers has been developed for the production of low residue diet in the spray dried form utilising papain hydrolysates of easein and whey proteins. Nutritional assessment of the diets indicate that on an average hydrolysed easein diet given about 9% higher values for NPU and 16% higher values for hydrolysed WPC-CP. Thus WPC-CP may be prefered over easein and hydrolysed easein for the formulation of low residue diets.