The Physiology of Domestic Animals
Henry Hugh Dukes
Earl Albon Hewitt
Sydney Arthur Asdell
Comstock publishing Company
, 1942
Foreword: The fundamental importance of a sound knowledge of physiology as a foundation for the study of the science and art of medicine and of such applied subjects as nutrition, genetics, and scientific animal production in general, has become increasingly evident. Students, teachers, and practitioners have felt the need of a modern textbook of animal physiology compiled from the standpoint of the special requirements of veterinary medicine and certain of the biological sciences. The author has made a thorough and careful survey of the relevant literature and has brought together in an interesting and readable form the more important physiological knowledge of the animal economy. The student of animal physiology, regardless of his major interest, should find in this book a valuable adjuvant to more formal reference books, and one which will meet admirably the requirements of the clinical or more applied aspects of the subject. Both author and collaborators are to be congratulated for the comprehensive yet concise presentation of their respective subjects. This book undoubtedly will occupy an important place in the literature and be much appreciated as a ready reference by all who are interested in fields in which mammalian physiology is of fundamental importance. It is with pleasure that I commend to students and teachers alike this contribution to animal physiology by my former pupil and colleague.--H.D. Bergman--Ames, Iowa.