Getting Back to Us

This insightful book provides a wealth of information to readers from multiple perspectives. It allows readers to gain powerful insight into our current population data in a way that gives them a better understanding about each demographic, how we can help each other overcome generational shortcomings, and how we can live in peaceful coexistence. The book not only adds practical and statistical data to make its points, but also adds proven facts, practical recommendations, instructions, and precautions that can be used to improve relationships among families and neighbors on multiple levels.

Getting Back to Us educates the reader about the different demographics, providing characteristics and background on how and why populations in each group own the characteristics that they have. There are also some startling facts that surround each demographic, and truths that speak to the pros and cons of each of the primary generations today. Everyone engages with people from all generations, and this book will help you to understand and possibly relate to them better. T. D. Jenkins (the author) highlights many unintended benefits that have been lost to the younger generations and point out ways to resurrect those benefits back into how we raise, communicate, and engage our children and young adults and in how we rebuild our villages.

This book is a must-read for adults with young children, grown children, or an extended family; for employers and HR specialists, and for elders in the community that have an ability to impact people to establish stronger communities. Getting Back to Us offers constructive, sound advice for new parents, current parents, and people in general--to restore the knowledge, self-confidence, adult-readiness, caring, sincerity, and self-esteem back into our young people. It's like have your favorite aunt in a bottle!