Bluetooth Application Programming with the Java APIs
C Bala Kumar
Paul J. Kline
Timothy J. Thompson
Morgan Kaufmann
, 2004
COMPUTERS / Computer Literacy
COMPUTERS / Computer Science
COMPUTERS / Information Technology
COMPUTERS / Machine Theory
Computers / Networking / General
Computers / Networking / Network Protocols
Computers / Programming / General
Computers / Languages / Java
COMPUTERS / Reference
Computers / Internet / Web Services & APIs
COMPUTERS / Hardware / General
Technology & Engineering / Mobile & Wireless Communications
Adoption of Bluetooth wireless technology has made great strides in the last few years. One of the biggest steps forward-the standardization of Java APIs for Bluetooth wireless technology (JABWT)-is explained in detail in this book. The JABWT standard, defined by the JSR-82 specification, supports rapid development of Bluetooth applications that are portable, secure, and highly-usable. Wireless device manufacturers have responded to the JABWT specification by announcing mobile phones and other products that will run JABWT applications. Bluetooth Application Programming with the Java APIs explains in detail how to write Bluetooth applications using the Java APIs to exploit the power of both technologies. Written by the specification lead for JSR-82 and two other key participants in the definition of JABWT, this book provides the authoritative explanations and concrete examples you need to get started right away.
About the Authors
C Bala Kumar
is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Motorola. He chaired the industry expert group that defined the Java APIs for Bluetooth wireless technology. He currently
leads the systems software team for wireless platforms
in Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector.
Paul J. Kline
is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Motorola and the
maintenance lead for the JABWT specification
. He currently works on the System Software Architecture team in Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector.
Timothy J. Thompson
is a Senior Software Engineer on the System Software Architecture team in Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector. He was the
OBEX architect on the JABWT specification team
at Motorola.
Written by experts-the authors led the industry team that defined the JABWT standard and the Motorola team that developed the first JABWT implementation
Covers JABWT in depth and goes beyond the specification to explain how to use the standard effectively
A helpful resource both to Java programmers interested in Bluetooth wireless technology and to business managers interested in its potential for creating new business opportunities
Digs deeply into the programming areas you must master to successfully design and build JABWT applications, including RFCOMM, OBEX, device discovery, service discovery, and L2CAP
Details the real-world issues involved in programming Bluetooth devices and implementing the JABWT specification
Organized into sections that explicitly address the different needs of programmers, business managers, and project managers