Which Poison Will Change Your Life?
An MCS Survivor's Eye-Opening View Into the Socio-Political Forces Which Make Today's "Invisible Illnesses" Possible and Probable
出版AuthorHouse, 2011-03
主題Medical / GeneralMedical / DiseasesMedical / ResearchSelf-Help / GeneralSocial Science / General

- Are chemicals and electro-smog in your home and workplace making you sick?

- Does your doctor tell you that your symptoms are not real? are all in your head?

- Has your condition been dismissed or labelled "idiopathic" (and then dismissed)?

Turn on any newscast. Open any newspaper. Read any blog.

What are they talking about? Pollution, global warming, and our skyrocketing disease rate. With so many research studies, how can these intricately-related topics still be called "controversial" and the results "inconclusive"? How can the scientists giving advice all have different versions of scientific fact? What and whom are we supposed to believe?

Real science doesn't lie! The answers and solution are clear. Read this book to discover why today's so-called invisible illnesses are never idiopathic and to learn how to hold your own within a system that gets you sick, keeps you sick, and wants you sick!