Should You Keep God's Holidays Or Demonic Holidays?
註釋Are God's feast days listed in the Bible? Which days did Jesus keep? Which days did the Apostles keep? Which days did the early followers of Christ keep? Are the Holy Days alluded to in the Book of Genesis?Do you observe any holidays? Do you know the history of where they came from? Do you know why you and others may observe them? Do any have religious connotations? Might you be observing demonic holidays? Does it matter to God what days you may keep? If you believe that you are Christian, are you possibly celebrating demonic or pagan ones that Jesus would condemn? If so, does the truth matter enough to you that you would follow Jesus on this?This book contains multiple scriptures, as well as over 130 historical and other citations, to show the history of the Holy Days that Jesus and His early followers kept as well as warnings and other information about those that they would not.If you are interested in the biblical and historical truth about holy days and holidays, this book is one you will want to read and refer to.