The book entitled “Aesthetics of Fine Arts” is written by Dr. Madhur Lata Bhatnagar.
Learned Madam, Padama vibhushan Dr. Kapila Vatsayayan has been considerate to the write her precious comments on the book. In the area of arts Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Poetry and Music are considered to be Fine Arts. In this book common traits of beauty and inherent relation among the arts is pondered over – such as Beauty, Completeness, Rhythm, Balance, Organization, Uniqueness, Divinity etc. – The traits of beauty laid within the arts are discussed upon.
‘Aesthetics’, inspite being part of Philosophy is different from it and other subjects is clarified.
The attributes of the artists and the art-lovers are verily discussed upon. Importance of presentation of the arts in suitable atmosphere is told to be supporting for better aesthetic experience.
The comparative study of the thoughts of Western and Indian philosophers are also mentioned to ascertain the scope of the subject ‘Aesthetics’.
What is aesthetic experience — the levels of concern are also described. Some suggestions are also given to utilize the arts for social welfare. In this age of technology arts are also affected in technique and presentation. This aspect is also dealt with social and cultural concern.
The subject of ‘Aesthetics’ is centre of attraction in Academics all over and popular among the general readers also.
I hope this book will be liked by E-book readers at large.