註釋On July 20, 1994, Dan Laguna and Carlos Guerrero of the 160th SpecialOperations Aviation Regiment SOAR were in a devastating helicopter accident.Carlos died and Dan spent months in the hospital recovering from 3rdand 4th degree full thickness burns and several broken bones. Hisstory of survival is miraculous, inspirational and motivating. He returned toduty a year later and served seven more years in his unit before retiring.Afterretiring from the Army and moving to Utah, Dan took a job working as acontractor for Blackwater USA in 2004. On January 23, 2007 his brother, ArtLaguna, and four of his brothers in arms were killed when their helicopter wasshot down over Baghdad, Iraq.DanLaguna's helicopter had extensive damage due to small arms fire and was forcedto land but after inspecting the helicopter and noticing dozens of insurgentsracing toward them, he decided to take the risk and fly back to the Green Zone. Thisbook is a tribute to his fallen brothers whose, courage, bravery, andpatriotism are what make this country what it is today.