Steeple People
Steve Davis
A Collection of Humorous and Inspiring Stories
Vabella Publishing
, 2006-04
Humor / Topic / Religion
Religion / General
When Steve Davis became pastor of the First Baptist Church in Carrollton, Georgia in 1995, one of the first things he learned was the expectation that he was to write a weekly newsletter column. They were to be about 300 words and could be on any topic he chose. Some pastors make these columns into promo pieces about upcoming church events. But Steve decided that this would be a good opportunity to bring a smile to the faces of parishioners and bring a touch of inspiration as well. Steve had never done much writing but nonetheless undertook the weekly assignment with enthusiasm. He began to get much positive feedback, which only inspired him more. Over the years, his articles have covered topics such as Christian living, Church, Sports, Holidays, and Family. Many people in the church had encouraged him to put his articles in a book. Well, after about ten years of articles and some prodding from others, he did just that. He chose to focus, in the first book, on articles dealing with the subjects of Church and Christian Living. When searching for a book title, he came across one of his articles with the title, Steeple People, and he quickly settled on that. You will find these articles easy to read, humorous and inspiring. They will make excellent stories for preachers and teachers who need to illustrate a particular point.