The Sicilian Scheveningen B80-89
註釋This chess opening is named for the Dutch seaside resort when it was played there by more than half the competitors in the 1923 masters tournament. World Champions have played it hundreds of times since. It is a good tactical opening to study for a multitude of lessons in passive-aggressive play. Typically, Black declines to engage the center and develops defensively while White fills out the center and hopes to capitalize on a wide array of sacrificial ploys or other tactics to break open Black's defense. There's the double knight sacrifice on b5, taking the e6 pawn for the price of a knight or sacrificing the knight on f5 to place the other knight on d5. Black's kingside position is often compromised with a rook sac on g7 or h7 (or both). This is a collection of 641 chess puzzles that capture the dynamics of play in a very wild and popular opening.