Impôts Locaux, Marché Du Logement, Et Fracture Territoriale
Guillaume Bérard
Chapter 1 estimates the impact of the 2014 reform of the real estate transfer taxes on the housing market. We demonstrate that buyers and sellers have advanced sale dates prior to the tax increase. In the medium-term, we find a negative effect on the volume of transactions. Regarding sale prices, we find only a short-term effect close to zero. Chapter 2 provides an example of the indirect consequences of economic and housing inequalities between urban and rural areas. It investigates the effect of the lockdown in France due to the Covid-19 epidemic, and more particularly of the urban exodus that preceded: before the lockdown, hundreds of thousands of urban dwellers moved to their secondary residences. Using mobility data from mobile device location, we estimate that the urban exodus has led to a significant increase in the number of hospitalizations, and that the local determinants of Covid-19 spread are the population density and the share of social housing. We also provide evidence that the stay-at-home measures were effective in reducing the spread of the epidemic. Chapter 3 analyzes the effects of the housing policies on poverty and inequality at the European level. Main findings suggest that cash housing benefits are more effective than social housing, and more effective in reducing poverty than inequality. We also show that some countries obtain better reductions of poverty and inequality while spending half as much in housing policies.