The Magic of the Mangosteen - Garcinia Cambogia for Good Health
Dueep J. Singh
John Davidson
Mendon Cottage Books
, 2015-01-05
Cooking / Specific Ingredients / Fruit
Gardening / Fruit
Cooking / Health & Healing / General
The Magic of the Mangosteen - Garcinia Cambogia for Good Health
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Mangosteen
Eating a Mangosteen
How Does the Mangosteen Taste?
Nutritional Value of a Mangosteen
How to Grow Mangosteens
Harvesting of Mangosteens
Mangosteens in Native Medicine
Healthy Mangosteen Recipes
Mangosteen Tea
Mangosteen Jam
Mangosteen Sorbet
Can Mangosteens Help You Lose Weight?
Getting Rid of Stubborn Mangosteen Stains
Lesser-Known Tips about the Mangosteen
Author Bio
Introduction to the Mangosteen
When you think of tropical fruits, – those fruits which are cultivated in warm climates – what comes to your mind immediately? Avocado, breadfruit, açai berry, custard apples, gooseberry, bananas, figs, sweet oranges, jackfruit, Papayas, watermelon, lemons, sweet pepper, and musk melons immediately come to mind, because they are easily available on your supermarket shelves.
Among the more popular tropical fruits, which have suddenly been discovered by the West as the best ways to control weight, including the açai berry – here is the newest kid on the block – the Mangosteen. This plant was also known as the Malabar tamarind, and Garcinia gummi gutta.
Just like the Durian, this comes in the exotic fruit category. The encyclopedia Britannica considers it to be a native to Southeast Asia, called men-gu in Burma, and yielding about 1000 fruit per healthy plant every year.
Just like the mango and many other tropical trees, this plant also has glossy and dark green leaves. The flowers are rose pink and large. The fruit are about the size of a small orange. The rind may be read or it may be purple. Depending on the Mangosteen variety, it can be flattened or it can be round on the ends.
Since ancient times, this fruit has been considered to be an exotic delicacy, especially because of its juicy and delicate texture. In the West, it is served as a gourmet dish much prized by gourmands. You can add the juice, to a citrus dessert or jelly.