Key Indicators of the Labour Market

This wide-ranging reference tool meets the ever-increasing demand for timely, accurate, and accessible information on the rapidly changing world of work. Now in its 10th year, the Key Indicators of the Labour Market ( KILM) offers the general user instant and uncomplicated access to data and analysis on the world's labor markets.

Harvesting information from international data repositories and regional and national statistical sources, the book offers data going back to 1980 for over 200 countries. The KILM is a collection of 20 key indicators of the labor market that touch on employment and variables relating to employment (status, sector, hours, etc.), the lack of work and the characteristics of jobseekers, education, wages and compensation costs, labor productivity, and working poverty. Taken together, the indicators give a strong foundation from which to begin addressing key questions related to productive employment and decent work.

With three formats available--print, interactive software, and online database--accessing the country-level data for the 20 key labor market indicators as well as the descriptive text explaining the indicators' use, definitions, and basic trends is easier than ever. Also available in the KILM are the latest world and regional estimates of labor force participation rates, employment-to-population ratios, status in employment, employment by sector, unemployment and youth unemployment rates, inactivity rates, employment elasticities, and working poverty. This edition also looks specifically at the current economic crisis.