Jesus Christ Is God
Joe Cienkowski
Xulon Press
, 2009-08-24
Religion / Biblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics
Religion / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts
Religion / Christian Theology / General
Religion / Christian Theology / Christology
Religion / Christian Theology / Systematic
The book deals with the real, historical factual person of Jesus Christ. The book shows that not only was Jesus Christ a real figure in history, but that He is also the true Lord God and Almighty Creator cloaked in flesh. This book proves that the resurrection was a real event and real fact in history that can be objectively proven. This will, in turn, prove the spiritual aspects of the Bible must be true; such as the fact that He is the Lord, and that our sins are forgiven for putting trust in this real Man. Joe Cienkowski is a Christian man born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who loves to teach about and share his Christian faith. He grew up in the Roman Catholic faith, but abandoned his faith in his 20's. Joe is a passionate, fundamental Christian, who believes the Bible literally and historically and whose mission is to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. God broke down the many strongholds that were in his life, such as believing in evolution and believing in the Roman Catholic faith. After time in prison for marijuana, he came to understand that Jesus wasn't just some superhero, but a real Man who lived, performed miracles, fulfilled prophecies, and perform the greatest miracle ever: the resurrection from the dead. Although he has no diplomas from any college, he is a self-made ready student of the Bible. He has spent many years studying the Bible on his own, and has put himself under the most sound teachers in the faith, such as RC Sproul, D. James Kennedy, Ravi Zacharias, Hank Hanegraaff, David Jeremiah, Tony Evans, and Kent Hovind, to name a few. Of course he credits the greatest teacher, the Holy Spirit, for teaching him the sound fundamentals of the faith.