My Baby's Feet (Free eBook Sampler)

Fearfully and desperately wanting to hide my mistakes and deny the unwanted, but not totally unexpected ramifications of my earlier choices, I chose what seemed to be the easiest answer. I chose death, and then I moved into the aftermath of my choice. I, for a lifetime and beyond, will live in the aftermath of my choice. Although there is recovery, through forgiveness, there are lasting ramifications. No one told me that the ramifications of my choice would last forever. No one told me what my choice would do to my heart. No one told me that my choice was, in fact, a death sentence for my baby.

Are you or someone you know, facing an unwanted pregnancy? Are you wondering if “choice” is the answer, the easiest solution?

After the “choice” comes the aftermath. A living choice not only gives life to a baby, but results in an aftermath of life. Abortion results in an aftermath forever shrouded in death, death of a baby, perhaps death of your own baby. For those struggling with the post abortion aftermath, you and your loved ones can find healing and forgiveness.

This book is for:

  • Moms wrestling with choice and an unplanned teen pregnancy
  • Loved ones who are seeking resolution after abortion
  • Anyone who has had an abortion and wants to know how to feel better.

This book is a great tool for teen pregnancy educators, pregnancy center advisors, and those seeking to learn more about the emotional struggles, post abortion. It is written out of love and understanding by a woman who thought her choice was the best answer. Whether or not you are a Christian, you will be inspired by the author’s incredible faith, without which it would have been impossible to write this book.

Through my story, I pray that you will know that a living choice is the only real choice.

Join me in my story of running from my mistakes, hiding my choice, and slogging through the abortion aftermath. Come with me as I discover a new truth about an old choice. Join me as I struggle with guilt and heartfelt shame, knowing the new truth. Observe the aftermath. Find forgiveness, healing and recovery.

What choice would you have made? What choice would you recommend?