Illustrated Manuscripts and Diaries of Donald Friend
註釋MS 5959 comprises: 1. A handwritten manuscript titled "Birds from the magic mountain", with original illustrations in ink, watercolour and crayon, describing some of the factual and fictional birds of Indonesia. 2. An illustrated, handwritten manuscript titled "Ayam-ayam kesayangan", vol. 3, containing many and varied writings and paintings of his native land on his return from many years' sojourn in distant countries beyond the sea, also known as "The return of the prodigal". 3. Manuscript diaries from 1930 to 1988. These include two diaries titled Disastres de la Guerra for July 1943 (vol. 9) and January 1944 (vol. 14), both illustrated with pen and ink wash. 4. Two notebooks, 1939 (7 folders, 48 v., 6 oversize volumes).