註釋How Does it Feel? is the third book in the series, Inquiries Into Contemporary Sculpture, produced in partnership with SculptureCenter, New York. This volume examines the sensory aspects of contemporary sculpture.

Taking into account artists who incorporate touch, smell, and taste in their work, the various contributions investigate experiential factors that are beyond the three-dimensional. Comprising of essays, short reflections, and illustrated throughout, How Does it Feel? is a comprehensive and insightful exploration, with contributions from an international assemblage of artists, writers, art historians and curators working in the field.

Following on from the first two highly successful books Where is Production? and What About Power?, this title adds further insight into the dynamic sphere of contemporary sculpture. Inquiries Into Contemporary Sculpture is one of many partnership series of books published by Black Dog Publishing, with others including titles with Art in General, Royal College of Art, London, and Fondazione Antonio Ratti.